Oh, and to enter simply post a comment about your dating experience in high school. Did you love it? Hate it? I'll pick a winner when I get at least twelve different entries or by Wednesday, July 6th, whichever comes first.... so tell your friends!
About the book:
Eden Morgan makes a list of six goals to accomplish in order to have the best summer ever. Getting a boyfriend, which is perhaps the most important goal, becomes complicated when she and her best friend, Lexi, fall for the same guy. Since Lexi is popular, gorgeous, and always gets her guy, Eden thinks she doesn't have a chance.
Channing Johnson is everything Eden's ever dreamed of and she can't believe he just moved in next door. When he starts showing interest in her, she's overjoyed...until she sees him out on a date with Lexi. He says Lexi talked him into it to repay her for tutoring him. Lexi says they're in love.
Eden doesn't know who to believe and is forced to choose between her best friend and the guy of her dreams. Nothing is as it seems and no matter who she chooses, someone will get hurt.
My review:
Wow! I loved this story because it brought me back to my high school years and all of the dating drama that went with it. Sometimes I really miss those days. Not! Seriously, this story appealed to me so much that I read it straight through. I couldn't put it down, and because of that it'a making my favorites list for 2011.
Mistaken Identity
I really liked Eden and wanted to see her happy because her heart was so good. She wasn't fake at all, but a genuine person, which is why I think Channing was so intrigued by her. She was a good Christian girl and so typical of the teen girls I know from my church and other places. I loved her family, too. And that two-faced friend of hers, Lexi, was just like my "best" friend that I had in high school. She was always seeing my boyfriends behind my back, too. Grrr... And lying about it to my face. But that's an aside.
Seriously, this novel was swoon-worthy, top-notch fiction. In fact, it's the best YA Inspirational Romance I've read in the past few years, hands down...and I've read a good number of them. If you read the story you'll see what I mean. Your heart will flutter from the tender romance and you'll enjoy every minute. I was so lost in this novel that I felt like I was living the character's life. I forgot about everything else going on around me. What a great escape for the weekend! Now I want to go find a romantic chick flick to watch to keep the yummy mood going. Sigh. Great read. Very inspiring. Perfect beach novel. Great message for teens. All-around fantastic book. Can you tell I loved it?
Mistaken Identity was published by Desert Breeze and was released in June 2011.
I dated the same guy from freshman to junior years. Things can change suddenly.
I'd like the tee-shirt in XL. L might work too.
I never dated in high school. I was pretty quiet and shy. Please enter me in contest.I would love to read the book. Tore923@aol.com
Awesome review. Sounds like something I'd love to read.
I have fond memories of my high school boyfriend, it was a very positive experience. I think I got lucky though.
College dating experiences...now those are another story!
Thanks for hosting me, Michelle! I had so much fun writing Mistaken Identity that I've signed a contract for a mystery/romance series. The first book will debut in January.
For another chance to win a tee shirt, your readers can register at www.kdawnbyrd.blogspot.com
I would love to win a copy of the e-book (kindle format) Mistaken Identity by K. Dawn Byrd
I had my first boyfriend in high school from freshman to junior year. Oh gosh, we were so in love! LOL! It really was a sweet relationship though and we had a lot of good times together. Like most teenage girls, I think I had our whole life planned out from how many kids we would have to which china pattern I wanted when we got married. Life was so simple then!
Thanks for the chance to comment.
Robin, robinorr2@gmail.com
I'd take the book if it was pdf file I don't have a reader.
My HS dating experience wasn't a lot. I did date a few guys that went to my church. just did things with the youth group and he'd take me home. Nothing really one on one. We had fun in the group.
ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com
I never dated in high school. I don’t know why. I interested books and the music, I was very busy.
The book seems good.
I HATED dating in high school!! Well at the time I enjoyed it but it always left me frustrated and sad when things didn't work out...too emotional. So glad I don't have to go through that anymore!! I would love to read this book!!
kcmelone at yahoo dot com
Apple Blossom:
You should check out www.christianbook.com is you're interested in ebooks. You can read books right on your computer or laptop screen without having to download software.
Or, if you're interested in Kindle books, you can download the free Kindle software from Amazon and read ebooks on your computer. That's how I started reading them and now I read them mostly on my Blackberry.
I so agree, Courtney. High school is drama, drama, drama. It sure was fun to write about though.
I would enter to win the ebook, kindle format....
I didn't date in high school.....= ), well, I never dated. I didn't even date my husband.....we met, we got engaged and we got married....I was a little over 18!
So.....I am at a loss about high school dating drama...I did have some admirers, but I usually was quite good at scaring them off! martha(at)lclink(dot)com
and the winner is...
Joy Tasmin David!!!
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