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Sunday, March 13, 2011

New giveaway! Now I'm giving away The Silent Order by Melanie Dobson!

To enter for a chance to win this novel simply post a comment regarding what you think about an Amish story set in the 1920s. I think 99% of all Amish stories are cast in the present day. This one isn't. So what intrigues you about that fact? I'll pick a winner using the Randomizer program next week.

The Silent Order

About the book:

When his partner is murdered, 1920s detective Rollin Wells goes into hiding. Taking refuge in an Amish home in Sugarcreek, Ohio, he works to discover who in the police force is collaborating with Cleveland's notorious mob. But when he befriends a young Amish mother named Katie, will he unearth an even more shocking secret?

My thoughts:

I am a huge Melanie Dobson fan. I am sure I will enjoy this book. I just wish I'd had time to review it prior to this giveaway. Look for one in the coming months, though. :)


Naomi Musch said...

I haven't read an amish romance in a while. I got kind of overwhelmed with the number of them coming out. I'm intrigued by this one since it's historical. Sets it apart. I like that. (Not to mention I'm a sap for historicals.)

rbooth43 said...

I am also a huge Melanie Dobson fan. I am sure I will enjoy reading The Silent Order. An Historical Amish Romance is my cup of tea!
rbooth43 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I am a follower and email subscriber. Please enter me in contest. I would love to read this book.

Pegg Thomas said...

I love history and the 1920s in general were a fascinating time. I never really thought about the Amish in that era, so I'd love to read about it.

twinwillowsfarm at gmail dot com

Will Sharp said...

I definitely think that any book based away from the usual time frame used by authors makes it interesting and a basis of the 1920s will provide a unique view of the roaring 20s which even in other books isn't touched... its too easy to come up with technology temptations in the modern day... and that fact isn't lost to me as I type this comment on a Droid 2 Global cell phone... I definitely think the alternative view of the tumultuous roaring 20s from the Amish viewpoint is somethingid definitely read.

Anonymous said...

I love Amish fiction, and I love Melanie Dobson. I am excited about this being written in the early 1920's. I haven't read any in that time setting before. If it's Melanie's, it's just got to be good though!
Thanks for offering...
Blessings....Joy Hannabass

Anita Yancey said...

I like the fact that this book is set in 1920, because I enjoy reading about the past in history. Love to read this book about the Amish. Thanks for this chance.


karenk said...

i enjoy reading 'amish' novels...thanks for the chance to read this one :)

kmkuka at yahoo dot com

Courtney said...

I have never read an Amish romance book. However, my favorite books of all time are any historical romances, so it intrigues me to read a book based in the 1920's. Thank you for chance to win.


Nancye said...

I have never read an Amish story set in the 1920's. I think it sounds really interesting. I would love to win this book! Thanks for the chance.

nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net

Pam K. said...

Our world has changed greatly since the 1920s but I wonder if it has changed as much for the Amish since they shun the technology and conveniences that have changed so much for the rest of us. The 1920s isn't a time period that I've read much about in Christian fiction. "The Silent Order" sounds very interesting and is a book I'll put on my "to read" list. I'd love to win it.

Charlotte Kay said...

It is great to have a chance to win Melanie's book!
Thanks for making it possible:)
Many Blessings and Smiles,
Charlotte Kay
charlovesmark at gmail dot com

Merry said...

Mixing the 1920's, a detective and the Amish really set this apart. I am really intrigued with the mob ties also.
worthy2bpraised at gmail dot com

Martha A. said...

It sounds interesting! Most of the Amish fiction I used to read before they were popular were set more in that time know, the ones by Amish people! = )
I will be interested to compare them!

Edgy Inspirational Author said...

and the winner is...


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