Travis Thrasher is the author of numerous works of fiction, including his most personal and perhaps his deepest work, Sky Blue, that was published in summer of 2007. This year he has to novels published, Out of the Devil’s Mouth, and a supernatural thriller, Isolation.
Travis is married to Sharon and they are the proud parents of Kylie, born in November, 2006, and Hailey, a Shih-Tzu that looks like an Ewok. They live in suburban Chicago.
Stop by and visit Travis at his Blog where you can sign up to follow him on Facebook and Twitter!
Also check out the radio interview with Travis on Monday June 8th at BlogTalkRadio/FaithWords

What begins as a minor case of harassment quickly spirals out of control. As Cillian's threats escalate, Dennis finds himself on the brink of losing his career, his sanity, and even his life. The horror he's spent years writing about has arrived on his doorstep, and Dennis has nowhere to run.
If you would like to read the first chapter of Ghostwriter, go HERE
My review:
Horror is not a genre I care to read. I should have been suspicious when the back of the book merely said "fiction" and nothing else. Hmmm... If there was any doubt in me before, this story proved my gut instinct was right on. Ghostwriter was indescribably terrifying. But that word is woefully inadequate so I'll try more on for size. Disturbing. Frightening. Horrific. Gory. Disgusting. Evil. Creepy. Ack! I couldn't stop reading this book and it scared me to death. One thing I know for sure is I'm never reading another one of Thrasher's books. This one was too much like a slasher film with bodies maimed, blundgeoned to death, cut into pieces, rotting, etc. everywhere and there were so many I lost count! Ick, ick, ick. It's like reading a Stephen King novel, only worse! I won't read those either.
Interestingly enough, my oldest son (who loves Dekker) was so disturbed by Thrasher's other book, Isolation, that he refused to read this one. He said Isolation felt "dark" and he didn't feel good after reading it. He's never said this about a book before, so I was intrigued. You think I'd be smart and take his advice? Um, no. Like an idiot, what does this stupid mother do? She reads the book Ghostwriter to review anyway because the premise sounded good. And while compelled to keep reading this book, a sick sense of dread filled me the entire time and my stomach hurt. And guess what? I felt that same "ick" feeling after I finished the story. Too dark. Not redemptive enough to make it worth my time reading any more of his books. Is the guy an amazing author? You bet. He did an amazing job with this story. Do I want to put myself through that type of horror again. NO WAY!
That's my review. Like it or leave it. I said my piece. It's up to you now if you want to be scared sick or not.
Thanks for the info. I thought it sounded good too but by what you describe I know I wouldn't care for it either.
I have never read anything by Thrasher but I think his earlier works are more "love story" and not horror.
Again, thanks for your honest review.
Sherry K
Oh boy. Now you've got me intrigued. I might have to check this one out. I like scary...Isolation was pretty okay.....but hmmmmmm.
His earlier work IS good. I wasn't in the mood to read gore, so after the first couple of pages, I put it down. Thrasher is still an excellent author, but I think his horror isn't for me.
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